Friday, 13 November 2009

Scatter plots and Start/Stop properties

As I said yesterday, the next task was to manage to link the buttons with the graphs.
And today, I managed to create a button functionality for starting and stopping the graphs.

I also managed to create the buttons inside the Group boxes on the left side of the UI.

I read how to scatter data, so here you are a screenshot:

Once again, step by step we'll reach the end of our purposes.
I hope in some minutes I'll meet my professor and we'll talk about the signal implementation. If we are able to take all the signal processing methods needed right now, I'll put myself into the implementation this weekend.

If not, maybe I'll do some research about Qt for Maemo this weekend, since on Tuesday I'm flying to Copenhagen to Nokia's 3 day training.

Let's see...

Have a nice weekend!

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