Sunday, 29 November 2009

Asturias, España y el futuro de los jóvenes...

Como muchos de vosotros sabéis, España no está pasando por el mejor momento de su historia. Ello implica que nosotros, los jóvenes que estamos intentando buscar nuestro sitio en el mundo laboral y forjar los pilares de nuestras nuevas vidas, nos veamos entre la espada y la pared.

No hay muchas oportunidades y nos vemos obligados a emigrar.
Sí, a emigrar, como en tiempos de guerra, como en tiempos de hambre, como en tiempos de epidemias, pero al contrario:
No hay guerra, ni hambre, ni epidemias. Pero, lo que es peor, es que no hay muchos apoyos, ni iniciativas, ni se apuesta por nosotros.

¿Por qué tenemos que resignarnos a trabajar en algo que no es lo nuestro cuando hay tannnnto trabajo que hacer?

¿Por qué no se mira para esta juventud con talento que tenemos en Asturias?
(La Universidad parece envidiable... Campus de excelencia para la Universidad de Oviedo)

¿Por qué en otros países se valora lo que hacemos y en nuestra propia casa no?

¿Por qué siendo asturiano tengo dificultades para volver a mi propia casa, teniendo que gastar bastantes horas en buscar un vuelo que me convenga? (Si es que existen.)

Apóya la iniciativa:

¿Por qué tenemos que resignarnos a trabajar para otros países mientras vemos que el nuestro se hunde...?

Estoy algo cansado de leer, escuchar noticias que obvian que mi futuro próximo está lejos de mi tierra.
No se invierte en I+D+I (España es el 1% de la inversióna nivel europeo), no se invierte en el futuro de los jóvenes y todo el mundo mira para si mismo (Las empresas no mirar para el futuro de nadie, pero sí por el futuro de sus arcas).
Incluso la UE empieza a qujarse de nuestras habilidades administrativas, diciendo que somos lastres dentro de la UE...

No me extraña, la verdad...

No me gusta hablar de cosas pasadas y me gusta siempre mirar para adelante. Pero quiero mencionar la catástrofe que el "ladrillo" creó en España.
¿No hemos aprendido que debemos invertir a largo plazo? ¿No vemos que estamos jugando con el futuro de un país y de sus ciudadanos? ¿Por qué no se hace el esfuerzo de invertir en futuro a largo plazo y solo miramos para el futuro más próximo? ¿Qué nos pasa a los Españoles? ¿Es el estar aislados con respecto a otros países lo que no nos permite avanzar?

Espero que esta reflexión de pie a pensar a muchos otros jóvenes en mi situación, a "decision-makers" influyentes en la situación, a padres, a profesores, a toda la sociedad asturiana y española, para que se den cuenta de que los jóvenes somos el futuro del país, que sin jóvenes no hay futuro, y que a este paso vamos a ser gobernados por terceros que harán con nosotros lo que les parezca conveniente...
Se debe actuar cuanto antes...

Por la presente también me gustaría dar las gracias a la juventud activa en Asturias, los cuales creen en que un día Asturias dará las oportunidades a los talentos que tenemos y podremos decir más que nunca lo orgullosos que estamos de ser asturianos.
Por mencionar algunos ejemplos:

Los cuales han sido muy influyentes en mi actual manera de pensar y de actuar.

Quiero aclarar, que este post no es una crítica política ni mucho menos, gobernar no es cosa fácil ni para unos ni para otros. Este es un post para concienciar a la población, para hacer saber de que el camino en el que estamos nos va a marginar aún más y nos va a causar más problemas.
Por lo menos, párense 5 minutos y piensen en ello, serán solo 5 minutos menos pensando en como engordar los bolsillos o en donde comer tapas mientras se ve el Barça-Madrid.

Saludos a todos mis lectores, allá donde estéis.
¡Puxa Asturies!

P.S. Enhorabuena al gran trabajo del Sporting. Os merecéis el puesto en el que estáis.
¡Seguid así!

Friday, 27 November 2009

CV online

I found a webpage to create a resumé online...
It is called

I liked it and I created my personal one...

Here you are:

Go ahead and create yours!!


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Filharmonia w Krakowie

Yesterday was a busy day for me.
It does not mean that I was rushing all the time, but I was going from one place to another linking every activity.

During the morning, cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen was the main "lovely" activity. Since I spent half of the weekend travelling and the other half almost death resting, I had to clean during week days...
There is one thing certain. The s**t does not forgive anyone, and goes all around until the most unimaginable places ever... I think I met some specks of dust who were created in 1895...

After this great entertainment and with the cleaning products' smell still in my hands, I put myself towards the University where my professor gave me a great piece of work for stepping forward in my thesis. Today I was analyzing it and I think it will be working as soon as possible.

Small bite and I continued in the University, prepa
ring a motivation letter for a job in Nokia.
I have to use a proper language, of course in English, not my mother tongue, so some times I need help from the net, from people who are helping me with the content and way of expressing myself (thank you Emanuele) and the help of my last English language teacher in Spain, who is British and always willing to help with her Proficie
ncy way of correcting every kind of written paragraph.

It seems like I have many of the requirements of the position, but I know it is not going to be easy to get the position. Anyway, nobody says that life is easy... :)
I'll keep this blog upload with further news about it...

After struggling with English written language, I rem
embered that I was invited to a concert in Filharmonia (Koncert symfoniczny). Aga, my always energetic and motivated flat mate, told us all to go because her cousin was playing contrabass and she would like to see us all in there.

The concert was at 19:00, so at 18:00 I was already going home to get ready and meet Bartek and Szymczak for getting ready and leave towards the concert.
I was told to dress smart, so the only choice I had was to wear a suit (the one I tailor-made in Bangkok), cause I still did not wash the clothes from
Copenhagen trip... (I know, I know, it is hightime. I promiss it is going to be the next thing after finishing this post.)

Bartek also decided to wear his suit, and he exposed: "I don't like you being the only one wearing suit...". Actually, he likes wearing suit even more than me... hehe.

Well, the point of the post: The concert in Filharmonia.
Here you can see the pieces:
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Le tombeau de Couperlin
1. Prélude
2. Fornala
3. Menuet
4. Rigaudon

Jacques Ibert (1890-1962)
Koncert fletowy
1. Allegretto
2. Andante
3. Finale -Alegro scherzando


Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Il suita z baletu Dafnis i Chloe
1. Lever du jour
2. Pantomima
3. Danse générale

My impression is that they have made a great job coordinating such a big choir and the orchesta. Last pieces were the most energetic and there was not really time to think in different things since my body hair was bristled the most of the time...

The second best thing that I want to stress is the guy in the flute.
As some of you know I play flutes from time to time while being in Spain, but of course not with such a knowledge and good and smooth techniques he had.
The flute lovers should have been there with me and see him playing... It was marvelous...

The director was also very impressive gaining the respect of the audience as well as a many times repeated warm applause.
And last but not least, I want to mention Jakub Str
ycharz, the first contrabass and our flat mate's cousin, who created a big expectation among us... Well done mate!

More concretely the "starrings" were:

Wiesław Suruło --- Flute
Lidia Matynia --- Choir master
Sławek Adam Wróblewski --- Director

Chór i Orkiestra Symfoniczna
Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie

And here a small picture of the concert in the middle of a bit applause.
(Taken with my N900 :))

Nice time in Filharmonia, with nice people during a nice day.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Nokia Qt Training Copenhagen day 1

Lots of information and a very good speed on the speeches and demonstrations.
I felt sometimes like in the University in the first years. Writing and trying to catch as much as possible of what is on the screen, and also what it is going out of their mouths...

My Qt background from the thesis helped me a lot in not to get lost in the first 2 hours and it helped me to get all the concepts showed there.
Even if my environment was giving some problems, I could understand the way of doing things.
Valuable knowledge in how to create apps for the N900.

The great moment came, the N900 was delivered to us only after signing a paper saying that you are using it with academic and research purposes...
That easy! :)

Now I'm in Thorbjorn house with my new N900 about to set up some libraries inside and get it ready for tomorrow's session. When I guess the most interesting part of the training will take part.

Afterwards I'll have a meeting with Jonas, a Danish guy whom I met in Pamplona last summer during San Fermines. I really need to disconnect a bit after the long "inputs" day.

Maemo developer day

As I commented in my first post before the Maemo Developer day, it was a "marketing" day.
Many features of the new Maemo 5 Operating System were told, as well as Ovi store services and ways to publish your applications.

As I mentioned before, I was sitting in the same table with Peter, and Timmo (Forum Nokia Worker), having a nice time and chats with them.

The last hours of the training I met an Italian guy, working also for Nokia in Copenhagen. His name is Emanuele and even though he is working already for 2 years in Nokia and he was also studying the previous year, he is originally from Padova.

I have been having some problems with getting ready my environment for the next day, and the trainer, Tino, and some other guys seemed really helpful and willing to help. I was really pleased and I discover that in the software developing world there is not only selfishness and proudness, but also good folks and environment.

The place where we stayed was gorgeous, the food provided amazing, as well as the coffee, cookines, fruits and everything you wanted... Nokia seems to think that new developers are priceless, and they show it to us. We really seem valuable for them.

During the day there were two surprises.
One was a competition online where you can get an N900 for free, and the second one was that in this training we are getting a N900 for free on Thursday. For us to develop and improve the actual "virgin" Maemo 5 based on linux OS for Nokia tablets.

In the end of the day I met the Spanish participants in this event. Ihad a nice chat about the Qt market in Spain and I left after 6pm home, to set up some things for the next day and meeting again the Spanish guys, have a bite and a beer in the centre of Copenhagen.

After that I was not able to go to bed until 1am when finlly my environment was set up correctly and everything was prepared for next day....

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Maemo developer day & Qt training

Waking up at 6:30, preparing an abundant breakfast and getting ready for going to the Maemo developer day, the first day in the programme of the training.

Regarding to the programme sent, I guess today is going to be the most theoretical day. All the inputs of the maemo platform, many different people will be speaking and in the end of the day we'll be able to understand a bit more the maemo, Ovi and Nokia concepts.

My first two partners on the table, a German guy called Peter and a "Nokia" representative called Tommi Kenttämies.

And the first songs I've heard in here are from Eric Clapton and Michael Jackson :)

Let's see how it is going to be. I'll keep you updated as much as I'll have time and strength!


P.S. Writing from the conference room 10 minutes before the Welcome agenda starts.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Sunny, sportive and inspiring morning in Krakow

I think that the best part to start from is to explain was I've done this morning...

After having breakfast at 9am and having a nice chat with my flat-mates I tidied up the bedroom, giving some space for breathing inside... :)

I was feeling nice after a good 7h sleeping the last night, and I wanted to make some sport, due to the fact that there was a long time since I did some kind of sportive movement...

At 11:30 I started thinking of going jogging, also regarding to the very sunny and "warm" morning we have here in Krakow today. (13ºC)
So I dressed up and stretching my legs and body, getting ready for the 1h 11 mins of jogging...

The main point of this running, not was the sport itself, but the amount of people I've seen, the good weather and the very nice thoughts that came to my mind.
I was running in Błonia, a very famous green open field in Krakow, where the R.I.P. last Polish Pope used to give the speeches in here, the many times said most cultural city of Poland.

Families, people jogging, biking, skating, little kids learning how to walk, couples kissing, old couples sitting and watching. So different and at the same time with only one thing in common this morning, to enjoy this sunny morning of Saturday.

As you can imagine, days here don't last so much (at 5pm it is already dark...), and during the week people work, study and are mainly busy with their life, having only free time after 5 or 6pm...
Then you can imagine how welcome is a sunny free day in Krakow. Yes, with a big smile and fancying doing things!

Haven't I enjoyed such a morning in this way since several weeks ago. And I assure you that it was one of these moments that are really worth-living.

Have a nice (even better than mine :) ) weekend!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Scatter plots and Start/Stop properties

As I said yesterday, the next task was to manage to link the buttons with the graphs.
And today, I managed to create a button functionality for starting and stopping the graphs.

I also managed to create the buttons inside the Group boxes on the left side of the UI.

I read how to scatter data, so here you are a screenshot:

Once again, step by step we'll reach the end of our purposes.
I hope in some minutes I'll meet my professor and we'll talk about the signal implementation. If we are able to take all the signal processing methods needed right now, I'll put myself into the implementation this weekend.

If not, maybe I'll do some research about Qt for Maemo this weekend, since on Tuesday I'm flying to Copenhagen to Nokia's 3 day training.

Let's see...

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Finally my graphs how I want! Solution: QDialog

Here I am again with my lovely thesis...
After some trials with Qt and inheriting Qwt classes to plot good graphs on my user interface,
finally I found out the way to paint graphs and to show some buttons at the same time.

First of all I was creating QMainWindows, setting
my plot (inherited from QwtPlot) as the main widget of the window. But this way did not allow me to plot buttons, ButtonGroups, etc...
Setting the plot as main widget associated the whole graph to the entire window as following:

So, this was really limited for my purposes... :(

I got a bit crazy trying to plot more stuff in this mainwindow, but I (fortunately) gave up quick...

I discovered thanks to "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4", book by Jasmin Blanchette & Mark Summerfield, that my best option was creating a QDialog and create the user interface window coding my own.

Qt Designer allows you to paint things manually, but I really prefer to set up things from the core of the programme and know exactly what I am doing...

The result of my research in how to create dialogues today is as following:

Obviously, the graphs have nothing to do with what is written, and it is only a random flow of data, but the OFDM methods are not still implemented since they'll be taken from open source projects already working properly.

But I think that my knowledge on how to create the windows is quite enough for plotting what I want.

Next step: Link buttons and actions in the graphs, such stopping, saving the graphs in jpg, change functions plotted, etc...

Step by step and everyday closer...

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

World Press Photo 2009

Polish independence day 11th November.
Today in Poland everyone is resting, travelling or having fun with family and friends.
And as a Krakow citizen I did the same.

Morning for ironing and solving some computer problems.

And afternoon for going to World Press Photo in Krakow.

The annual exposition that really impresses me. Last year I was there as well and I have to say that this year the level is awesome as well!

Anthony Suau and his pictures related with the American stock market and the feeling of the economic crisis.
Brenda Ann and her pictures of a 7 children family mother raising them with not so many resources.
Lissette Lemus and her impressive pictures of people killed in "El Salvador" by mafias.
Chen Qinggang and Bo Bor, showing us the recent earthquake disaster in Beichuan city, China, where many people died and many other ones lost their entire property.
Sebastian D'Souza and his collection of pictures of Mumbai (India) railway station's masacre, with 58 people dead.
Olivier Laban Mattei and the consequences of the cyclone in Burma...
Walter Astrada and his portfolio of pictures related to Kenya and the violence nowadays...
Justyna Mielnikiwicz shows her view of the Georgian-Russian conflict of the last year.
Pep Bonet gives to the exposition the main picture (seen on the tickets), with a transexual guy from Honduras, giving the view of how they earn money with prostitution.
Carlos Cazalis analyze the number of homeless people in Sao Paulo, giving an interesting view of where they sleep and take shelter from the rain.
Alexander Taran gives us some images about the 1920's and 1930's Russian style of fight called Sambo, original from USSR but extended worldwide nowadays...
Steve Winter and his snow leopards also are in the exhibition.
And some others are also there with many different kind of pictures.

I really have to say how impressed I am after that exhibition. The pictures are gorgeous in quality, but not only that, also the moments captured and feelings that the camera does not give to us but only the good photographers do, are there.

Some pictures of the exposition:
(Coming soon)

If you have the exposition nearby and you like photography, do not hesitate about going!
It is really worth it!


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Zeitgeist: The end of the monetary system?

A Sunday at home, doing not so much but resting, and enjoying spare time without any worries.

I was told last year about Zeitgeist The movie. And I did not see it until today.
It proposes a new world system based on resources, not on money.
It made me really think about how this world would be with this system, without being worried about earning money, having all the basic needs covered and only worrying about further issues, as research, about the Universe, about things for developing out knowledge and human society.

Why do we put barriers to ourselves?
Why do we stop the development?
Why are we slaves of the work, for earning that thing called money?
Do we really need the money?
Do we really need brands?
Do we really need to have ads in every corner of the world?
Does the society have to be based on the money to continue growing and developing itself?

These among many other ones, are questions to raise now in my mind after watching this documental:

Zeitgeist - Addendum

They are Spanish versions. But you can find different versions easily.

I have to say that before this I always was thinking that the money is not the solution for our problems. It is a barrier that is stopping us to develop and grow.

After watching this, now I know that many people think in this way, there is a big movement supporting it and I am really glad about reading it on the net, the place where the REAL, and not manipulated by media testimonals, thinkings, and opinions are reflected.

Blogs, portals, social networks, and many other ways to publish contents can really make a change.

Sites of the movement: (Spanish site)

Now it is up to us, to all of you, to the ones who are living on this planet. Our planet.

Think about it.