Thursday, 22 October 2009

FFTW finally working under Qt code

FFTW was not working the way I wanted actually and yesterday I became crazy about it, giving me a not so good day...

Today I am quite sure that the problem is solved.

I found some hints on the net that helped me...

"Question 3.13. My program does not link (on Unix).

The libraries must be listed in the correct order (-lfftw3 -lm for FFTW 3.x) and after your program sources/objects. (The general rule is that if A uses B, then A must be listed before B in the link command.)."

I tried a simple example of FFTW and it worked out perfectly not giving any error either warning.

Since I am working on Qt projects, it was not so easy as writing gcc -lfftw3 -lm helloworld.c,
so I had to add a line in the .pri file.
Here the new line in bold:
LIBS += -L$${QWT_ROOT}/lib -l$${QWTLIB} \

Thanks to the ones who helped me to realise about this (basic) problem.

More inspired than yesterday Fer

1 comment:

maroua said...

Could you help me and explain me how could I have fftw.a on Windows to linked it after to my Qt project?