Saturday, 31 October 2009

"Aryanization" 1933-1945.

Yesterday,the Inauguration Museum of History at Oscar Schindler factory in Krakow took place.

There I was, "listening" to more than one hour of speeches and thanks from authorities from Krakow and Leipzig, Germany.
The speeches were either in German or Polish and of course, translated into Polish/German depending who was giving the speech.

I really did not know which one I preferred, I don't understand 100% of neither Polish nor German. Let's say that sometimes I understood things mixing both, the speech and the translation. But anyway it was really hard for me to get everything, over all, after 1 hour speeches, when my brain started to melt...

Mainly, the speeches were about the history of the cities (Krakow and Leipzig) concerning the "Aryanization" of society from the National-Socialism party during 1933 till 1945. Basically, how the jews were tortured, stolen and killed. For the SS the jews were "Aryanised".
Also the relationships in between the cities were mentioned as well as different compliments and thanks to everyone. (I think I heard Dziękuję and Danke/Vielen dank more than 50 times during 1 hour. So polite are they in Centre-Europe! :) )

Of course, I missed several things, but as i said, I needed 150% of my brain to translate and to decipher everything...

In the exposition could we see several stories about jews from the late 1800's and early 1900's with such a prosperous business, families and reputations in the German society...

How the regimen planned to get their business without losing any cent in the change, having the same reputation but changing completely the place where the profit was ending up...

The 1st of April 1933 Boycott explained as a way of defense against the Jew society...

Art stealing, and many other interesting things to see and think about...

Pretty most of the exposition can be seen in the following pdf (Pictures included!):

And actually better written than the way could I ever explain it.

Further information, of course, in beloved wikipedia:

Polish press articles related to the new:

Have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

No luck with external microphone and Mac...

As I am reading out on the net, the Macbook I own has not a input jack 3.5mm for a external microphone...

It has a LineIn jack, but this one is not sufficiently amplified to get the signal from a microphone powerful enough to be recognised by the OS...

So, no luck with the external micro and JackOSX...

Macbook is sometimes not as nice as we expect...

I'll try it out with the BuiltIn Microphone.


Setting up JackOSX and the first examples...

Here I am, configuring a pretty handy application for using the jack ports as input/output of data, for afterwards processing.

Following the instructions of site:

I am now able to compile and open a basic C example of jack. (metronome)

This will be needed for my thesis for capturing the data from it and transform it into OFDM signal. So my purpose is to take data from the jack port and convert it into OFDM signal to further study.
It did not take so long to set it up, so I guess it will be easy to plug it into the Qt-C++ code.

Note: I had a problem with the files in Sourceforge repository.
They are pretty old (from 2003) and jack_client_new is deprecated. SO I changed it for jack_client_open and I added 2 zeros in the new inputs of the function. It stopped to say that the function is deprecated...

Now I'll keep going a bit more trying to compile different examples to wide a bit my knowledge...

Let's see how and when I end up...

Fernando on the radio!

Yesterday a regional radio programme called me to speak a little bit about my life in Krakow.

(Of course in Spanish!)

In the link below you can hear me live! :)


Sunday, 25 October 2009

Photo-session in Krakow

Sunday, a bit tired and not fancying to do so much.
My flatmate and me decided to spend some time shooting in a pretty new studio in Krakow.

Tools weren't the best ones, but we had fun anyway...

P.S. A picture of mine could be watched on my facebook profile...

Friday, 23 October 2009

Hello to Qt, Maemo 5 & Nokia N900 :)

I think I'd should start telling that I am accepted to attend a training in Qt programing
for maemo (The based-on-linux operating system of the coming soon-Nokia N900).

The training will be in Copenhagen from 18 to 20 of November 2009, I have already my flights booked and a very hospitable Danish guy who is hosting me thanks to project!!

The point is that we will be programming in C++, with Qt and for the Maemo OS.
Seems easy? Probably, but it took me some time to know how to start with all these techs together...

First of all, I'm working under MacOSX, so no
way to install scratchbox in here.

So I had to download an vmdk image for runni
ng under VM (I'm using VirtualBox).
This vmdk englobes an entire Ubuntu OS oriented to Maemo developing.
But not everything was done already.

After, Installing SDK and play with scratchbox while Starting with Maemo SDK, I was finally able to compile and run the HelloQt programme under scratchbox as well.

The result? A fancy N900 window saying: Hello Qt!

Isn't it nice? :)

I hope I'll be able to create something more complicated before the training!
Thank you for reading!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

FFTW finally working under Qt code

FFTW was not working the way I wanted actually and yesterday I became crazy about it, giving me a not so good day...

Today I am quite sure that the problem is solved.

I found some hints on the net that helped me...

"Question 3.13. My program does not link (on Unix).

The libraries must be listed in the correct order (-lfftw3 -lm for FFTW 3.x) and after your program sources/objects. (The general rule is that if A uses B, then A must be listed before B in the link command.)."

I tried a simple example of FFTW and it worked out perfectly not giving any error either warning.

Since I am working on Qt projects, it was not so easy as writing gcc -lfftw3 -lm helloworld.c,
so I had to add a line in the .pri file.
Here the new line in bold:
LIBS += -L$${QWT_ROOT}/lib -l$${QWTLIB} \

Thanks to the ones who helped me to realise about this (basic) problem.

More inspired than yesterday Fer

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


FFTW libraries downloaded,
now we have to let it work with basic spectrums and link it with my Qwt graphs.
I'll try to tell you as soon as possible!


Friday, 16 October 2009

Problems solved...

Problem of paths as expected.
I set up the paths from a .pri file and it worked out as in the examples.

My first graphical window in C++ with Qwt and Qt.
A simple mathematical function:

Step by step...

Qwt almost under my orders...

After trying the examples of Qwt project I got some nice ideas to implement for my OFDM transceiver simulator.

I got some concepts of canvas, pens and basic stuff for plotting basic mathematical functions which is good but... is still not under my complete control...

Once compiled the project examples in the original folder everything went ok and no problems of execution (apart from setting up the Libraries path).

Making it myself and in my own folders it seems that the headers are not found so today I am researching a bit more about it. I guess it is a simple step and it will be mine!
I hope this evening I could post my first Qwt application done by myself !

Cheers and have a great weekend!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Qwt in MacOSX

Last time since I posted, and it had nothing to do with this new post.
But here I am again.

Since I'm working on Qt C++ software development under my MacOSX 10.5 I'm having some configuration "affairs" with it, so here I write the first one.

Deployment of Qt application using Qwt for technical graphs...

Since I'd like to show some OFDM signal spectrums in my application I need to implement it with qwt.
Once I downloaded the qwt source from here, I copied it to my Developer folder and I started "qmaking".
So nice to see that all the .pro files are already created and you don't need anything but qmake for having the software ready...

so in my MacOSX terminal:

fernando-martins-macbook:bin martin$ cd /Developer/qwt-5.2.0/

fernando-martins-macbook:qwt-5.2.0 martin$ qmake -spec macx-g++

and the Makefile is created.

Inside the qwt-5.2.0/ folder there are some examples that can be easily open just following the same procedure.
But what a surprise when once they were build I could not be able to open them with this simple operation:


The libqwt.5.dylib was missing "somewhere" during the creation process of the app...

After installation of qwt, in my OS I could find the libraries in /usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/lib (you can check this path in qwtconfig.pri),
so it is only needed to add this folder to the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Remember: echo $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH will show you the current value of the variable.

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= {The previous path}:/usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/lib (in my case)

The apps were created normally and I could run them to see how qwt works under Mac :)