Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Job interview done!

As I mentined yesterday, the ESA interview for the YGT place in ESTEC was today.
At 10.00 I was in ESTEC main entrance requesting my acreditation.

Actually ESTEC is not so complicated building and I got used to it in a few minutes after asking the reception girl.

The inteview was planned at 11:30 and the nice woman Caroline Brucker explained me everything before it.
The minutes in between the meeting with Caroline and the interview were the most stressing ones.

After these minutes almot without end the door of the interview room was opening in front of me, without knowing the people who were about to interview me...
Once started the interview in front of 3 people (1 from the Education department, 1 from Human resources and the project coordinator of the GENSO project)
The heart started to calm down and I could express myself in a way I'm used to. They were nice people and I felt confident in the interview.

After half a hour of interview and many questions from three sides, where of course there were some of them that I couldn't answer in the proper way I would like to, I shaked hands again and I left the room. I feel confident but not 100%...

Now it's time to wait until the answer in 4 or 5 weeks time, when I'll have the YES or the NO from them.

Summarizing I would say that ESTEC day was a nice inspiring day, showing me a very nice working place and the variety of nationalities working together for a main aim.
Leticia was there, working on her project and she and her friends in ESTEC kindly took care of me during lunch time in the restaurant.

Salmon was the main dish, which I didn't try in Poland for a long time. It was great! :)

After that, the launching of GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) took place and I was there in the Space EXPO to see it...

De One day in ESTEC, European Space Agency Technology headquarters

After that nothing kept me in that nice place and it was time to leave, to take a taxi and to go to Leiden station coming back to Brussels, where I am spending one more night before taking the plane to Poland.
I wouldn't mind to work there for a year, in a technology, educational and lovely european environment.

I'll inform you about the results. On wednesday, I'll be back in Poland.


P.S. I want to thank you everyone who supported me before the interview and I send your best regards to them ;)


mgvarrenti said...

Good luck with the results of the interview! I empathise with you knowing in less than a week I will meet the same destiny!

Fer said...

Thank you Mario. I wish you the same for your interview. Be confident and "communicative" ;)